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Knowledge builds bridges

Research into centuries of old herbal recipes from Tibetan Medicine is the cornerstone of the company’s history.

The founder of PADMA, Karl Lutz, was convinced of the meaningfulness of a scientifically sound synthesis between Western science and traditional Tibetan Medicine.

His pioneering spirit made PADMA the first institution to begin the scientific examination of traditional recipes of Tibetan Medicine.

From the outset, PADMA promoted the scientific exploration of the effect mechanism and medical application of Tibetan formulas.

The PADMA plant compositions over time have become the best researched Tibetan formulas worldwide. Since its inception, PADMA has been a “bridge builder” between the cultures, knowledge, and medical systems.

The connecting element has always been the knowledge gained from scientific research papers.

Research for the future

The transfer of knowledge takes place at different levels in an interdisciplinary exchange. In close cooperation with universities, hospitals, doctors, and medical schools, studies are conducted, papers are published, and case reports are being shared and discussed at medical congresses at an international level.

To transfer the historical knowledge of the Tibetan holistic medicine to Western medical context, PADMA also works with doctors and scholars of Tibetan Medicine.


Inspiration The story of PADMA begins in 1958 at the ETH Zurich. There, Karl Lutz, a successful Zurich pharmaceutical entrepreneur, attended a lecture on Tibetan medicine. The lecturer, Dr. Cyrill…

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Plants and quality

PADMA products are based on the knowledge and inspiration of complex multi-substance formulas from Tibet. The interplay of perfectly harmonised ingredients of plant and mineral origin determines their effectiveness. Only…

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Social responsibility

People, plants and health are the daily focus of PADMA’s activities. This is based on respectful cooperation at eye level with our customers, employees, suppliers and partners. Shared values inspire…

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