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Social responsibility

People, plants and health are the daily focus of PADMA’s activities. This is based on respectful cooperation at eye level with our customers, employees, suppliers and partners.

Shared values inspire us in our daily work:

Each and every one of us contributes in a very individual way to living the core values. These are: Team Play, Appreciation, Reliability and Future Orientation. We are firmly belive that only together can great things be achieved.

PADMA focuses on social responsibility, working towards the recognition of Tibetan medicine and contributing to the preservation of this cultural heritage. This responsibility, as well as the values we live by are reflected in our commitment:

PADMA has enabled the modernisation of the library at Aginsk Monastery, which was once home to one of the most important printing houses in the Tibetan Buddhist world. Thanks to the dry steppe climate, a collection of rare manuscripts has been preserved there, including the first records of the PADMA formulae.

PADMA is particularly proud of its involvement in the preservation of the “Atlas of Tibetan Medicine”, the oldest collection of Tibetan pictorial tablets, which is displayed in leading museums in America, Europe and Asia.

PADMA maintains a lively exchange with scientists around the world.
The PADMA research team publishes studies in peer-reviewed journals, accepts invitations to attend world congresses and organises conferences to promote knowledge transfer.

As a pioneering company in the research of Tibetan herbal formulations, PADMA has been featured in several documentaries and books on complementary medicine and the scientific dialogue between East and West. These films have been screened at the prestigious Swiss Film Festival, the Tibet Film Festival and internationally.

PADMA maintains close ties with the Tibetan diaspora worldwide and the Tibetan community in Switzerland. In recognition of its pioneering role in the European market, PADMA was visited by S.H. the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso.

PADMA celebrated its golden jubilee with the exhibition “50 years of PADMA: Spirit of Pioneers”. Numerous representatives of Swiss pharmacy, medicine and science, as well as guests of honour from all over the world gathered for the opening.


Knowledge builds bridges Research into centuries of old herbal recipes from Tibetan Medicine is the cornerstone of the company’s history. The founder of PADMA, Karl Lutz, was convinced of the meaningfulness…

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Plants and quality

PADMA products are based on the knowledge and inspiration of complex multi-substance formulas from Tibet. The interplay of perfectly harmonised ingredients of plant and mineral origin determines their effectiveness. Only…

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Inspiration The story of PADMA begins in 1958 at the ETH Zurich. There, Karl Lutz, a successful Zurich pharmaceutical entrepreneur, attended a lecture on Tibetan medicine. The lecturer, Dr. Cyrill…

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